2017년 11월 27일 월요일

2017년 11월 24일 금요일

3_10 Data in Smoke

Profile pages, Chrome history, Login history, Purchase history...

3_9 Digital Identity

Generated Digital Identity

We do not know who it is in the digital world.
We can pretend to be anyone.

3_8 Idea Sketch - smoke, data visualization

Resource Reservation
2 projector (one big, one small +additional)
Space with white wall

-Background video: compose smoke (BK back) 
+personal info, account image, privacy, data =Smaller ver

-Front video: bigger version of front video with
white dress
(Circle/Square-shape video)

2017년 11월 20일 월요일

3_6 Idea concept image_office

3_5 Concept idea image_cafe

We use our account on the daily basis.
Mail, bank, music and social media service... 
It has each different ID and account which containing my history and personal information. 
When we use public wi-fi, our data fly into the global company without realizing it.

3_4 Reference work- smell of data



Created by Leanne Wijnsma and Froukje Tan, the "Smell of Data" project explores the concept of dangerous data leaks. Like gas leaks, which were given a detectable smell in the late 30's, Wijnsma and Tan experimented with assigning potentially harmful data practices a scent to warn when you're leaking data.

3_3 link_reference

The leaky corporation

Digital information is easy not only to store but also to leak. Companies must decide what they really need to keep secret, and how best to do so.

Your smartphone is leaking your information | Bram Bonné | TEDxGhent


Visualizing Fukushima's Landscape of Radiation

Chris Cheung's haunting audiovisual journey, 'RadianceScape' compares radiation levels in Hong Kong to those of Fukushima.